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Understanding the Fundamentals of Hair Loss

Here we provide you with a fundamental understanding of what hair loss is, why it occurs, and the various types it encompasses.

What is Hair Loss?

Hair loss, medically termed as alopecia, is a condition that affects many individuals, characterised by the thinning or loss of hair. Alopecia is not just a single condition but rather a group of conditions that can affect people of all ages, genders, and ethnicities.

The Normal Hair Cycle

Hair growth occurs in a cycle that includes growth (anagen phase), transition (catagen phase), and rest (telogen phase).

At the end of the telogen phase, hair naturally sheds as part of this cycle.


It's normal to shed between 50 to 100 hairs a day as part of the hair's natural growth cycle.

This shedding often goes unnoticed as it's spread out across the scalp and new hair is growing in simultaneously.

Androgenetic Alopecia

Commonly known as male or female pattern baldness, it's characterised by a progressive thinning of hair in a distinct pattern. In men, it often starts with a receding hairline, while in women, it usually involves general thinning.

Alopecia Areata

An autoimmune disorder where the body's immune system attacks hair follicles, resulting in round patches of hair loss.

Telogen Effluvium

A temporary condition often triggered by stress, illness, or hormonal changes, leading to widespread thinning of hair.


The causes of alopecia can vary and include genetic factors, hormonal changes (such as those during menopause or pregnancy), medical conditions, medications, and even stress.

Read our articles about the causes of alopecia by clicking the button below.

So what can you do?

Understanding the distinction between natural hair shedding and hair loss is crucial for identifying alopecia.

Recognising early signs of hair loss can lead to more effective management and treatment. It's important to consult healthcare professionals for accurate diagnosis and personalised treatment plans.